Saturday, May 16, 2015

Do Not Dispose Them Just Yet

New Technology and the Upcycling of Old Appliances

Kitchen (right view)

Old appliances can have a new use once upcycled. (Photo Credits: Akroness, cc: Some Rights Reserved)

Home appliances usually mirror the technological advancement and inclination of a household and its owners. For instance, CRT or old school TVs most likely cannot be found in the homes of people in urban areas aged 30-Years old and below. And in the same breath, smart appliances that send text messages to smart phones about food supply or what-have-you, is unlikely to be found in the home of an average senior citizen unless their younger and hipper children live with them.  San Diego GforceElectrician location
In any case, recent technological advancements have paved the way to smarter appliances – or gadgets that would make it ‘smarter’. Emergency Electrician Vista, CA. for instance featured this kit that may connect old appliances to the Internet. “The company includes an infographic poster cataloging a host of potential projects, from a device that adds toilet paper to your digital grocery list when someone takes the last roll to an alarm that sounds when your fridge is left open too long. 24 Hour Oceanside Electrical Repair. Makers can control the devices through the LittleBits-hosted Web app; their own API, or IFTTT (If This Then That), a service that connects to a channel like Twitter or Facebook to trigger an action such as a tweet or Facebook status update.”

El Cajon Electrician Emergency. Read the whole story here.

Another way to make-over old appliances has meanwhile been unveiled. featured old appliances getting an upcycling through 3D Design. “The appliances are easy to modify and, more importantly, to repair. So, rather than tossing away a non-functional hand mixer or fan, they can be cleverly repurposed, with sustainability and curbing excessive consumption in mind.” Santee Electrician and Repairs


Read the rest of the article here.

If however, you are thinking twice about upcycling or repurposing that old appliance in your home, you may want to just have it checked if it qualifies as vintage, therefore could be sold in an antique store. Appliance came up with a way of finding out the age of that fixture you are holding on to. “Homeowners are often curious of the age of their home appliances. Electrical Contractors. We have provided this service to try to help them to date their major appliances (fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer, dryer, etc.) accurately from the code usually found contained within their serial number.”

Take a look at their site here.

Old appliances are not necessarily bound for the dumpster. Build Safe. They can be resold or upcycled.


The post Do Not Dispose Them Just Yet appeared first on GforceElectric.

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